The Toddler Talk Blog
Learn about toddler speech and language development from expert pediatric speech therapists and moms.

Childhood Apraxia Of Speech
Learn about apraxia in children. Discover how it is diagnosed and treated, as well as common characteristics that parents might observe in their child.

Articulation Norms By Age + Articulation Disorders
This post explains articulation, how articulation plays a role in a child's speech and language development, and what an articulation disorder means for your child.

Does my child need speech therapy?
If you’ve been wondering, “Does my child need speech therapy?” this post will help you answer your question. You will learn about all the different ways speech therapists help kids and the importance of speech therapy evaluation for toddlers.

My toddler understands everything, but isn’t talking yet
What does it mean if your toddler understands everything but isn’t talking yet? Learn the most common reasons why toddlers haven’t started talking and what you can do to help.

Speech Therapy Toys For Toddlers
These are the top 10 toys to buy for toddlers who are late talkers. Read to learn how you can use our favorite speech therapy toys to help late talkers grow their communication skills.

When do babies start talking clearly?
Learn when babies start talking clearly in this post. When comparing your child to their siblings and friends, it can be hard to know if the clarity of their speech is “normal.”

Baby Sign Language: What you need to know before you get started
Baby sign language is a great strategy to use with toddlers who are learning to talk. When used consistently, baby sign language may even help kids talk sooner.

They Told Me My Child Has a Language Disorder
My child was just diagnosed with a “disorder” and now I’m extremely worried. I thought they were just delayed. Learn more about what "language disorder" means.

Receptive Language: What do toddler's understand?
Did you know that toddlers understand 10x (or more) the number of words they can say? Learn about receptive language skills, or what toddlers understand and when.

Speech Therapy Apps for Toddlers: A Review
We review 6 popular speech therapy related apps for toddlers. We summarize the pros and cons of each app, while also providing a speech therapist's perspective on using apps for toddlers.

Apps for Toddlers: Which app will teach my toddler to talk?
There seems to be an app for everything! Is there a good app that will teach my young child to talk? This post reveals a speech therapist's perspective on apps.

Online Speech Therapy For Kids
If you're reading this, you're probably wondering, "Should I do online speech therapy with my toddler?" We are going to explain online speech therapy and the pros/cons of an online therapy session to help you make your decision.

Speech Therapy For Toddlers - What To Expect
Pediatric speech therapy supports children’s growing expression, understanding, and social communication skills. Speech therapy with toddlers will include play, practice, and homework activities. Learn more in this post!

What To Expect At A Speech Therapy Evaluation For Toddlers
Learn what to expect at a speech and language evaluation with your toddler. A speech therapist will play with your toddler and observe their communication during your 1-2 hour appointment. Plus, learn what words a speech therapist might use to describe their observations and what recommendations they might make.

How to become a Pediatric Speech Therapist
Speech therapists work with toddlers to help them learn early talking and understanding skills. Learn more about the education and requirements for speech therapists in this post.