The Toddler Talk Blog
Learn about toddler speech and language development from expert pediatric speech therapists and moms.

"My 2 Year Old Doesn't Listen!" - Try These 3 Things
It can be so frustrating if your 2 year old doesn't listen to you! I share 3 speech therapy tips that can help your toddler do things when you ask them.

Do pacifiers cause speech delay?
Pacifiers can cause speech delay in toddlers. Learn how habitual pacifier use affects children’s speech development and see 3 ways that other parents eliminate the pacifier for good!

Speech Therapy Apps for Toddlers: A Review
We review 6 popular speech therapy related apps for toddlers. We summarize the pros and cons of each app, while also providing a speech therapist's perspective on using apps for toddlers.

Apps for Toddlers: Which app will teach my toddler to talk?
There seems to be an app for everything! Is there a good app that will teach my young child to talk? This post reveals a speech therapist's perspective on apps.