The Toddler Talk Blog
Learn about toddler speech and language development from expert pediatric speech therapists and moms.

My 16-Month-Old Is Not Talking - Advice from a speech therapist
Worried why your 16 month old is not talking? Learn my recommendations as a speech therapist regarding what to do and how to help your toddler reach their talking milestones.

My 18 Month Old Isn’t Talking, should I be worried?
If your 18 month old isn’t talking, you might be wondering how to help them say their first word. Learn about how toddlers learn to talk, how to help your 18 month old say their first word, and how speech therapists can help!

My 14 month old doesn’t talk... Should I be worried?
Learn the 4 key questions speech therapists think about when parents are concerned that their 14 month old doesn’t talk yet. Plus learn ways to encourage your little one to talk.

Help! My toddler is not saying words they used to
When your toddler stops saying words they used to they are experiencing language regression. Language regression occurs in all toddlers as part of language development. When lost skills do not reappear, language regression can be a sign of Autism.

My toddler understands everything, but isn’t talking yet
What does it mean if your toddler understands everything but isn’t talking yet? Learn the most common reasons why toddlers haven’t started talking and what you can do to help.

18 Month Milestones: Speech & Language
Learn about the most important 18 month milestones for speech and language. You’ll discover milestones for vocabulary, comprehension, and play. Plus you can download our 18-month developmental checklist for free.

The Do’s and Don’ts Of Home Speech Therapy Toddler Activities
Practicing speech activities at home with your 2 year old or 1 year old can be overwhelming. Learn about speech therapy practice at home for toddlers and some of the best speech therapy games for toddlers.

Baby Talk: The Do's and Don'ts of Using Baby Talk With Toddlers
Have you wondered if baby talk is hurting your child's their language development? This post describes the kinds of baby talk that might make it harder for your toddler to learn to talk. Plus we highlight the types of baby talk that actually make it easier for toddler's to learn to talk!

Speech Therapy Toys For Toddlers
These are the top 10 toys to buy for toddlers who are late talkers. Read to learn how you can use our favorite speech therapy toys to help late talkers grow their communication skills.

When do babies start talking clearly?
Learn when babies start talking clearly in this post. When comparing your child to their siblings and friends, it can be hard to know if the clarity of their speech is “normal.”

Receptive Language: What do toddler's understand?
Did you know that toddlers understand 10x (or more) the number of words they can say? Learn about receptive language skills, or what toddlers understand and when.

How many words should an 18 month old say?
Learn about language development in babies and toddlers. We'll cover how many words speech therapists look for at 18 months and other vocabulary benchmarks for toddlers.

My 2 Year Old Is Talking Gibberish
Many parents report that their 2 year old is talking in gibberish. Learn about how gibberish plays a role in the development of sounds and when children usually learn to pronounce different sounds.