The Toddler Talk Blog
Learn about toddler speech and language development from expert pediatric speech therapists and moms.

Toddler Toy Car - 3 Ways to support early language
Toy cars are simple, fun, and perfect for practicing speech and language skills at home with your little one. Learn how to use toddler toy cars to practice speech and language at home, no matter what level your little one is at.

Peg Puzzle - At Home Speech Therapy Activities
Peg puzzles are perfect for teaching your toddler to talk. See our recommendations for which peg puzzles are best and how you can play to teach your child new communication skills using your puzzles with pegs.

Speech Therapy & Bubbles for Kids
Bubbly play is a great activity for practicing speech at home. See how to play with bubbles for each stage of development and what to say to grow your child’s communication with bubble activities for toddlers.

How to pick the best toddler books!
Books are compact, inexpensive, colorful ways for your child to be exposed to new vocabulary and new concepts. Learn how to pick the best toddler books and how to read books at home to practice speech therapy. Most importantly, we will show you how to make toddler books fun and engaging!

At Home Speech & Language Activities - Duplo Blocks
Blocks are one of the most popular toys for toddlers, and there are a seemingly infinite number of ways you can play with blocks to teach your child new talking and understanding skills.

At Home Speech & Language Activities - Small Cardboard Boxes
Learn how playing with a cardboard box can grow your child’s communication skills no matter what stage they are at. See 3 quick and easy at home speech activities with boxes.

At Home Speech & Language Activities - Tupperware
Learn how to grow your child's speech and language skills by playing with Tupperware. We will tell you how to play and what you can say in order to grow your child's skills at 3 different levels: before the first word, when they say 1-100 words, and when they are talking in sentences.

At Home Speech & Language Activities - Baby Dolls
Do you already have a baby doll (or stuffed animal) at home? Learn how you can grow your child's speech and language skills by playing with your baby doll in this post!

The Do’s and Don’ts Of Home Speech Therapy Toddler Activities
Practicing speech activities at home with your 2 year old or 1 year old can be overwhelming. Learn about speech therapy practice at home for toddlers and some of the best speech therapy games for toddlers.

The "Magic" School Bus Speech Activities
No matter what stage your child is at, you can use a toy bus to build language at home. We share activities for 1 year olds and 2 year olds that you can use to grow communication at home. Learn the same activities used in speech therapy!