The Toddler Talk Blog
Learn about toddler speech and language development from expert pediatric speech therapists and moms.

My 14 month old doesn’t talk... Should I be worried?
Learn the 4 key questions speech therapists think about when parents are concerned that their 14 month old doesn’t talk yet. Plus learn ways to encourage your little one to talk.

Toddler Activities in San Diego
San Diego offers tons of free activities for toddlers, you just have to know where to look! Learn about 5 free activities for toddlers in San Diego.

The Do’s and Don’ts Of Home Speech Therapy Toddler Activities
Practicing speech activities at home with your 2 year old or 1 year old can be overwhelming. Learn about speech therapy practice at home for toddlers and some of the best speech therapy games for toddlers.

Speech Therapy Toys For Toddlers
These are the top 10 toys to buy for toddlers who are late talkers. Read to learn how you can use our favorite speech therapy toys to help late talkers grow their communication skills.

Baby Sign Language: What you need to know before you get started
Baby sign language is a great strategy to use with toddlers who are learning to talk. When used consistently, baby sign language may even help kids talk sooner.