The Toddler Talk Blog
Learn about toddler speech and language development from expert pediatric speech therapists and moms.

Childhood Apraxia Of Speech
Learn about apraxia in children. Discover how it is diagnosed and treated, as well as common characteristics that parents might observe in their child.

Articulation Norms By Age + Articulation Disorders
This post explains articulation, how articulation plays a role in a child's speech and language development, and what an articulation disorder means for your child.

Speech vs Language
The distinction between speech and language be fuzzy ,or not obvious. Today’s post will hopefully give a little clarity to that question so you can learn more about your toddler’s speech and language development, and how they work separately and together.

When do babies start talking clearly?
Learn when babies start talking clearly in this post. When comparing your child to their siblings and friends, it can be hard to know if the clarity of their speech is “normal.”

My 2 Year Old Is Talking Gibberish
Many parents report that their 2 year old is talking in gibberish. Learn about how gibberish plays a role in the development of sounds and when children usually learn to pronounce different sounds.