The Toddler Talk Blog
Learn about toddler speech and language development from expert pediatric speech therapists and moms.

Turn Taking Activities and Speech Therapy Tips
Teaching toddlers to share or take turns is challenging. Learn 3 speech therapy tips you can use to support your little one in learning to share and have fun together.

3 Ways to help toddlers pay attention a little bit longer
Paying attention is the foundation for toddlers learning to talk. Learn 3 simple ways to make a big impact on your toddler’s attention and get the most out of your at home activities!

Supporting toddlers with transitions
Helping toddlers with transitions is one way to get the most out of toddler speech therapy because toddlers learn best when they are happy. See how you can use these strategies to help your little one transition smoothly.

At home speech practice using daily routines for kids
Did you know daily routines can help toddlers learn to talk? Because routines offer a sense of predictability and safety, they raise toddlers’ capacity for learning new things. See how you can use daily routines to help your toddler learn!

Tantrums and Learning to Talk
Toddlers may use tantrums as a way to get what they want. Learn at home strategies loved by speech therapists and moms to teach them new ways to express their wants and needs.

Letting your child lead
Following your toddler’s imagination is one of the best ways to keep their attention when you’re practicing speech therapy at home. Find new ways to grow their talking skills by following their lead.

How asking less questions encourages kids to talk
Did you know asking less questions can encourage young children to talk more? It’s true! Follow along in our speech therapy activity and see how making more comments can help your little one learn!

Getting Face-to-Face
Young children learn to talk by watching us and trying to copy what we are doing with our mouth. Learn how you can use the face to face strategy in your at home speech therapy activities.

Focused Stimulation
The focused stimulation approach is one of the best ways to teach toddlers new words. We’ll walk you through how speech therapists use this strategies to get toddlers talking.