The 4 Question Quiz!

Answer these 4 questions and we’ll help you find just what you’re looking for.


Help! I can’t figure out where to start

Information overload is real! And when it comes to speech and language development, there’s no shortage of information online. Which makes getting started a challenge.

I know it can be hard to figure out which activities and resources are right for YOU, which is why I created this super simple 4 question quiz. 

The quiz shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete, but we’ll be able to point you to the specific speech therapy tips and activities to grow your child’s language skills by meeting them where they’re at. 

The tools and resources available at Toddler Talk span from the earliest developing language skills through the skills learned by toddlers around their 3rd birthday. These skills include use of grammatical endings (like -ing verbs) and telling stories about what happened. So you can be sure that we have tips and activities for you.

And I’ve published this quiz on our blog so you can keep coming back when you are looking for your next activity. 

If you have any specific questions related to your at home practice, please feel free to leave a note in the comments below. I answer all questions and comments on a weekly basis.

Written By: Stephanie Keffer, MS CCC-SLP

© 2020-2023. Stephanie Keffer, MS CCC-SLP. All Rights Reserved.


The content offered on is for informational purposes only. Toddler Talk is not engaged in rendering professional advice, whether medical or otherwise, to individual users or their children or families. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor, speech language pathologist, or other health professional. By accessing the content on, you acknowledge and agree that you are accepting the responsibility for your child’s health and well-being. In return for providing you with information related to home speech and language practice, you waive any claims that you or your child may have as a result of utilizing the content on


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